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Saturday, June 26, 2010

Not a spelling error

Random dude makes a post to craigslist computer gigs:

Can you solve this problem?
Need help building a Machine Vision System that
will recognize most parking signs autonomously
with the aid of a high resolution video camera placed
in a car keeping up with traffic. The machine vision
system will also need to read the text on the parking
sign and categorize the parking sign in the database
based on what the text actually says on the parking sign.
Please provide a proposal which would include how
you would approach creating the solution and how
you would like to be enumerated

So I let him know he's got "enumerated" where he should have used, "remunerated." It's a freshman year high school vocabulary word where I'm from. He replies, "I am a horrible speller so thank you so much!!"

Yeah right. Spelling.

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